Osteochondrosis: symptoms and methods of treatment

Osteochondrosis is a common disease in which a person experiences pain and restriction of movement in different parts of the back. Previously, it was believed that the disease is characteristic only for the elderly, but in recent years, young patients increasingly suffer from osteochondrosis. According to statistics, every second inhabitant of the planet is prone to back pain.

osteochondrosis in a woman

Osteochondrosis in a woman

The human spine is made up of 32-34 vertebrae, interconnected in an upright position. Between the vertebrae there are cartilaginous layers - the so-called cartilaginous discs. They provide flexibility, mobility of the spine during movement.

What is osteochondrosis? This is a disease of the spine, the basis of which is the destruction of the intervertebral discs, and therefore the vertebrae themselves. These disruptions of the disc over time lead to complications such as protrusions (swelling of part of the disc) and herniated vertebrae.

Most often, osteochondrosis affects residents of large cities. Sedentary work, consequently, the lack of movement leads to a static overload of the spine.

The reasons

When a person walks, the load on the spine is unevenly distributed. The intervertebral discs are compressed, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, as a result of which the intervertebral cartilage tissue is destroyed. If the disease has started, the nerve roots are also damaged. In this case, a person may have pain in the nerve root area, as well as tingling, burning, a feeling of "crawling". Pain can appear with prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position, squeezing the arms or legs. Also, there are risk factors.

Osteochondrosis can cause some diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as: flat feet, scoliosis, diseases of the muscular system. In addition, osteochondrosis is also found in endocrine pathologies, for example, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease. Lifestyle also affects the course of the disease. If a person often remains in an uncomfortable position, stands or sits for a long time, leads a sedentary lifestyle, all this leads to the destruction of the intervertebral discs. Malnutrition with a predominance of fat and deficiency of vitamins and minerals can also cause problems with the spine. If a person has suffered injuries, bruises and operations on the spine, this can provoke an exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Heredity negatively affects the course of the disease.

osteochondrosis in humans

Osteochondrosis in humans

Bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption) also have a negative effect on the spine. Nicotine negatively affects metabolism, causing the intervertebral discs to weaken. Excess weight adds additional stress to all parts of the spine, eventually damaging the intervertebral discs. Even a sedentary lifestyle is not good for the spine. With a lack of movement, the load on the back increases, the intervertebral discs are "erased" and the cartilage is damaged. With excessive physical exertion and professional sports, microtraumas of the spine also occur. The first symptoms of osteochondrosis may not appear immediately.

Types of osteochondrosis


The neck is a very mobile part of the body, every day it undergoes numerous twists to the sides. There are seven small vertebrae in the neck, interconnected by special discs. The disease of this department is considered to be quite serious, since in the cervical region there are many vessels (arteries and veins), as well as nerve roots responsible for important body systems. Cervical osteochondrosis often complicates the saturation of the head with blood, so the brain also suffers from it. It is believed that operations in this part of the spine can cause immobilization, that is, a violation of movement throughout the body.


The vertebrae of the thoracic region are not as mobile as the lower back and neck. Thoracic osteochondrosis for this reason is less common than other types. People who lift weights, as well as athletes, are more likely than others to suffer from the disease of this part of the back. There are cases when thoracic osteochondrosis is confused with a heart attack, lung diseases. To establish the correct diagnosis, examinations and consultations with a doctor are necessary.

Lumbar (or lumbosacral)

The lumbar spine is made up of five vertebrae connected by intervertebral discs. These vertebrae are large and strong, able to withstand the weight of the human body. However, if the metabolic processes are disturbed, the vertebrae quickly become less elastic and inelastic, and the nerve roots of the lower back are damaged. As a result, a person experiences severe lower back pain that radiates to the leg or groin.

If the sacral spine is also affected, such osteochondrosis is called lumbosacral. In this form, the defeat is stronger and more severe. It is difficult for a person to walk, sometimes paralysis of the legs occurs, as the spinal cord and nerve roots that go to the lower limbs are damaged. Possible urinary incontinence.

Main symptoms

There are cervical, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis. The disease has many symptoms, which depend on the level of the lesion.

Cervical osteochondrosis symptoms

The main symptoms are neck pain, which is aggravated by turning and tilting the head. Pain relievers help, but not for long. Dizziness and ringing in the ears are common. Some patients report numbness of the face and neck, weakness in the arms.

Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis

It occurs less frequently. With this type of osteochondrosis, a person has pain in the chest area, between the shoulder blades. The pain is aggravated by bending and moving. There is a feeling of a lump in the throat, breathing becomes difficult. There may be numbness in the chest, pain in the heart, stomach.

Lumbar Osteochondrosis Symptoms

The most common type of this disease. The main symptom is back pain, which radiates to one or both legs, groin, abdomen. Sensations arise especially often when turning to the side, tilting the body.

symptoms of osteochondrosis

Symptoms of osteochondrosis


Treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out by a neurologist. To make a diagnosis, he will prescribe an examination. Basically, this is an X-ray of the affected back, if complications are suspected - protrusions and hernias of the spine, an MRI (MRI) is prescribed. In some cases, ultrasound of the vessels of the vertebral arteries is performed.


Treatment of osteochondrosis depends on the stage of the disease, the age and individual characteristics of the person.

Therapy is aimed at relieving pain, relaxing muscles and preventing complications. The main group in the treatment of the disease are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are drugs that relieve pain, eliminate inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are available in the form of injections and tablets. Issued by prescription.

In addition, muscle relaxants are used - drugs that relax spasmodic muscles, due to this, muscle pain decreases. Usually used for external use. Such drugs reduce pain, create a "distracting" effect, that is, hot or cold.

For pain relief, topical agents are excellent. Such ointments and creams relieve swelling, relieve inflammation and reduce pain at the injury site.

Medicines do not have a cumulative effect, and most importantly, they are dispensed without a prescription. These funds reliably relieve pain in any part of the spine.

Among them, warming ointments can be distinguished - their effect occurs in about half an hour. Their action is that they dilate the blood vessels of the skin, inhibit the transmission of a nerve impulse to the brain.

However, it is worth remembering that ointments with an analgesic effect can adversely affect people with exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, there are other external agents - patches, which also relieve pain and swelling. These patches are available without a prescription.

Along with pain relief, prescribe drugs that restore nerve roots. These are vitamins of group B. They are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets in the courses.

In addition to drug treatment, the patient is prescribed the use of special bandages and corsets. Such products unload the spine, improve metabolic processes and strengthen the structure of the disc. Appointed after the removal of pain in the spine.

As it was written above, with osteochondrosis, the elasticity and mobility of the intervertebral disc deteriorates. To restore this important structure, chondroprotectors are used in the treatment, these drugs restore cartilage and prevent its destruction. They are used only as directed by a doctor, courses.

After the pain and inflammation are removed, recovery is required. Physiotherapy is used for this: massage, acupuncture, electrical stimulation. Massage is prescribed no earlier than 3-6 months after treatment. If a person has protrusions and hernia, traction of the spine is recommended.

Physical therapy for osteochondrosis

Physical therapy and gymnastics are an important addition to the treatment of osteochondrosis. A prerequisite is that the exercises are performed only after the disappearance of back pain. For each patient, exercises are selected individually, depending on the age and characteristics of the body.

Gymnastics with osteochondrosis improves blood circulation and metabolism, strengthens the back muscles. Thanks to this strengthening, spasms and overload in the passage of the spine, the back becomes more resilient. Regularity of performance and individual selection of exercises is important. In addition, gymnastics is a proven and effective way to prevent the development of the disease itself. Therefore, a little exercise in the morning, as well as five minutes at work, will benefit your back.

How to sleep well?

It is believed that sleeping on the back is very useful. This is the most comfortable position for the spine, since in this position there is complete relaxation of all the muscles. Also, with lumbar osteochondrosis, it is recommended to put a small roller or pillow under the knees. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended: it is harmful to the cervical spine.

In this position, a person turns his head and, as a result, important vessels and nerve roots in the neck are compressed, blood circulation is disturbed. As a result, the blood does not reach enough to the head, dizziness and headache occur, and a feeling of numbness in the hands may appear. The position of the body on the side is also considered acceptable.

sedentary work-related osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis can occur due to long computer work

Pillow and mattress


For proper and healthy sleep, it is best to choose orthopedic products. An orthopedic mattress is useful for all parts of the spine, it allows you to maintain a natural anatomical curve - this improves blood circulation in the back. The muscles of the back on such a mattress are in the most comfortable and relaxed state, and the person is getting enough sleep.

Mattresses are different: hard, soft, medium hard. It is worth choosing individually.

  • A medium-high firmness mattress will be useful for children and teenagers.
  • For people over the age of 25 with a healthy back, a medium firm mattress is recommended.
  • In the presence of scoliosis and other back diseases, it is worth buying a firm mattress.


An important factor for healthy sleep is the choice of pillow. It should be soft and comfortable enough to support the curves of the spine and relieve tension from the neck muscles. The pillow has a beneficial effect on sleep, relaxes the neck and head, improves blood circulation. These pillows help maintain posture and get rid of snoring.

I would like to add that comfort and a favorable environment are necessary for healthy sleep. Before going to bed, don't be nervous, avoid physical activity. You can take a relaxing bath with salt or herbs (lavender, chamomile). You need to sleep in a well-ventilated room with humidity (40-60%).


It's probably no secret that prevention is always easier and cheaper than treatment. It is necessary to take care of the spine from childhood. It is important to monitor your posture during classes and meals, to select the right furniture.

If your work is sedentary, try to break every two hours, take five-minute breaks for gymnastics. Try not to stay in one position for a long time - this increases the load on the back. To sleep, choose a firm mattress without springs. Engage in physical activity. Swimming, fitness, dancing - choose active recreation.

Try not to lift weights in one sitting. It is better to divide the load into several parts. Do not lift heavy objects with one hand: distribute the weight on both hands. Take vitamins and microelements, vitamins of group B, vitamin D, E, calcium, phosphorus are especially useful for the back.

For back pain, see a doctor.

Take care of your back!